Margate Bowling Club History
2006 to Modern Times
Jackie and Roger Hayes joined the Club at the beginning of 2006 and at the AGM that year Roger was elected (reluctantly) as Treasurer, a post he retained (again reluctantly) until the 2017 AGM.
Jackie was elected Club Captain (the first lady Captain) in 2008, a post she (also reluctantly) held for eight years. In both cases there was little support from members and hence no volunteers to take over these posts.
Roger Hayes Jackie Hayes
​ One of the first things Roger did was to re-write the Club Constitution to align with the BowlsEngland model. This effectively unified the Club as a total joint ladies and men fully equal in all terms. It also made the Club open to all regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, race, religion, colour, size, political belief, employment, ability or disability. This replaced the “traditional” archaic bowls club application requiring formal proposer/seconder and approval at a membership meeting, including a “black-ball” process of refusing membership (The expression “black ball” comes from the custom of voting for a member by putting a white ball in a ballot box, or against by putting in a black one). Membership of the Club would therefore be open to any person simply completing a membership application form and paying the relevant subscription.
The size of the Club committee was reduced from twenty plus to only twelve including three Executive Officers (Chairman, Secretary, & Treasurer) and nine ordinary members. Finally a Dissolution clause was added to ensure no member benefitted financially in the event the Club was discontinued and the land sold-off.
The new club name "Percy Snow Members Club" was found to be confusing so in 2006, the club was renamed Margate Bowling Club and Northdown Ladies Bowling Club. Unfortunately this, too, did not adequately identify the club as a mixed club so early in 2007 the club was renamed again as Margate, Northdown Bowling Club. Later in 2007, the original name of "Margate Ladies Bowling Club", previously taken by a ladies club based at St George’s Lawns, Cliftonville, became available as that club unified within the Cliftonville Bowling Club. As there still appeared to be confusion over the name "Margate, Northdown Bowling Club", it was agreed at the 2007 AGM to change the name finally and revert to its original name of Margate Bowling Club.
A £1000 grant from the K.C.C. was received in 2006 to provide enhanced facilities for the ladies toilet with disabled access. That amount of money only covered the fittings so Bob Taylor worked voluntarily to keep within the budget. The amount of work involved both from him and Roger Hayes, dealing with general help, and costing the project, in transforming, not only the room itself but all around that area turning it from a virtual rubbish dump into a truly attractive and welcoming entrance to the Club.
For several years the Ladies’ Changing Room had deteriorated to such a state, that the ladies were unhappy about taking their visiting teams in there. Again in 2007 Bob Taylor stepped in voluntarily with help from Roger Hayes and a few other members to remedy the situation. A new “garden shed” adapted for use as a changing room was procured at a cost of £3,250 funded from the balance of the Northdown Ladies’ Bowling Club accounts. The old structure had to be demolished and taken away with years of accumulated rubbish stored behind sorted and disposed.
In 2007, a team from the Kent County Bowling Association, led by their President Leon King, were entertained at the Club to mark the Club’s 85th anniversary. Club President, Fred Brasington welcomed the guests at the tea after the game.
The condition of the Clubhouse roof had deteriorated significantly over many years, so a matter of urgency major work was planned to avoid damage to the building fabric. The intention was to replace the clubhouse with a tiled roof to align with that of neighbouring properties. As this would cost in excess of £12,500, Roger applied for financial assistance from the Margate Mayors’ Trust Fund and Thanet District Council to help with this essential expenditure. Unfortunately this was unsuccessful so a cost reduced solution to simply re-felt the existing roof at a cost of £5,250 was carried out in early 2008.
Efforts have been made to reduce operating costs and most of the labour, to maintain the buildings and grounds, has been provided by volunteer members. From 2008 to 2013, upkeep of the green was taken on by volunteer labour from an enthusiastic Bob Taylor assisted by Roger Hayes.
Written by Roger D. Hayes (MBC Treasurer/Trustee 2006 to 2017 & Chairman 2017)
with acknowledgements for inclusions from Maurice Howard (MBC Secretary 1999); Amy Jones and also local historians - Janet & John Robinson.