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1963  Birth of Northdown Ladies Bowling Club

Since the inception of Margate Bowling Club several of the wives of the members have been involved by way of catering needs of the CIub; indeed some of the ladies later became shareholders in Margate Bowling Club Ltd. Sometime later these women requested that they be permitted to use one of the rinks in an unofficial way and permission was given subject to rink availability.


In 1963 the ladies wrote to MBC Ltd advising a ladies CIub would be formed and permission was requested to use the facilities at Northdown Avenue alongside MBC. As the name "Margate Ladies Bowling Club" had been previously taken by a ladies club based at St George’s Lawns, Cliftonville,

they would be known as the Northdown Ladies' Bowling Club (NLBC).

The first meeting of NLBC was held on 2nd December 1963 at the home of Mrs E Collins for the purpose of selecting Club Officers. Present were eight Founder Members including the following who took their posts at that time:- President - Mrs Eva Collins; Secretary - Mrs Ethel Knudson; Treasurer - Mrs Freda Jarvis; Captain - Mrs H Lippett; Vice-Captain - Mrs Lilly Brooks and Committee members:- Mrs D Barclay: Mrs A Reid: Mrs M Shepherd.


In January 1964, permission was granted from Margate Bowling Club Ltd. agreeing the new ladies’ club could use the green but with conditions: membership restricted to 16; two rinks each weekday (morning two hours, afternoon two-&-half hours) plus mixed play all day on Sundays – subject to rink availability, i.e. not otherwise required for any men’s matches.  Annual rent was set at £50 but NLBC must make afternoon tea & biscuits and match meals for the men. The prescribed cost of tea was set as 4d (1.65p) per cup and 2d (0.85p) for biscuits to be paid over to Margate BC Ltd. who provision supplies. 

Membership fees were four pounds-&-ten shillings (£4.50) with a joining fee of one pound. Members had to commit to a tea rota. Green fees were one shilling (5p) per session and two shillings (10p) for visitors, payable for the greenkeeper! NLBC were required to collect tea & meal takings plus green fees for all games and roll-ups - to be paid directly to MBC Ltd. NLBC were allowed to erect a hut (changing room) at no cost to MBC Ltd so this was provided in 1964  by a generous donation from Eva Collins. Other NLBC Founder Members also made contributions and a vote of thanks was given for their donations to the cost of decorating the new changing room.

NLBC affiliated to the Kent County Women’s Bowling Association early in 1964. The first NLBC President’s opening game was held on 27th April 1964 enjoyed by lady members and the President’s guests.

During this first year invitations were sent to a further eight ladies to reach the membership limit set by MBC Ltd. Further requests to join were turned away.


In September 1964, a new Rule was introduced “If a member does not conform to keeping the happy spirit in the Club, we reserve the right to ask for their resignation”. This only became necessary on one occasion in 1976 when the NLBC Captain at that time was asked to resign for writing a defamatory letter to the local newspaper. Unfortunately she was a very good bowler and had won all three major NLBC competitions that year, so these were awarded to the runners-up.


The first ladies inter-County game, Kent ‘v’ Suffolk was held in September 1965 and this became an annual KCWBA event for several years. Several NLBC members were invited to play for the County. Also in September 1965, silver cups were donated by NLBC Secretary (Ethel Knudson) and MBC for the NLBC Championship and NLBC Handicap competitions.


In 1967 a waiting list was established. Mrs Cumber donated a cup to the Club which NLBC would retain for the Ladles Line-up Trophy and Mrs Frakenson also gave a cup to the CIub. During this year Mrs Jarvis, Club Treasurer, presented an Honours Board to NLBC which Mr Reed very kindly had made.


In April 1967, Mrs Joan Bridger joined the Club and she became a hard-working and dedicated member taking on the catering organisation as well as other jobs. The 1968 season opened with Mrs Williams donating a cup which would become the Two Wood Trophy.


In response to an appeal in 1971, the members of Margate Bowling Club supported by the Northdown Ladies Bowling Club and other friends subscribed the sum of nearly £200, and this was used to purchase new furniture for the clubhouse. Joan Bridger was Captain in 1972 and when Ethel Knudsen retired as Secretary in 1974, after 11 years, Joan became Secretary, a post she held for 15 years until 1990.


In 1976 an MBC member, Mr Wingrove, presented a seat to NLBC for the support given to MBC over the years and a Mr Lloyd very kindly wrote to NLBC thanking for the helpful support afforded to MBC. Such was the friendliness existing between the two resident clubs at that time. In addition Mr Wingrove made three score Boards presented to NLBC ln gratitude of their helpfulness through the years. NLBC were founder members of the Isle of Thanet Women’s Bowling Association.


In 1978 NLBC agreed to a proposal that white trousers may be worn by members at In-CIub games but that regulation Dress is still required for inter-club and League matches. Mrs Fielder donated a Cup to the Club for non-winners of competitions. Due to the size of the NLBC waiting list in 1977, MBC Ltd increased the membership limit to 24 with an increased £60 annual rental. Membership rose to 22 but two places were held in reserve against possible husband & wife joining MBC & NLBC. To further ease the waiting list, NLBC requested an increased 30 membership limit and this was agreed by MBC Ltd in 1979 but the annual rental was replaced with an individual membership fee of £3. Joan Bridger was appointed to the post of President of the Isle-of-Thanet League. Also the original long serving Treasurer, Freda Jarvis retired after 16 years in the post.

Anne Gascoigne joined NLBC in 1981 and she is now the longest standing member of MBC/NLBC. In her first year, Anne won the Fielder (non-prize-winners) Cup and was runner-up in the Championship which she won the following year – a very creditable start in NLBC.


In 1982, NLBC unsuccessfully opposed a proposal to set up an additional Council bowling club (Westbrook) as there were already too many clubs in the area. Unfortunately this still went ahead and several members were lost including Founder Member Freda Jarvis. An NLBC flag was donated by a former MBC member, the late Mr Langston. The NLBC “pavilion” roof was also found to be in a state of disrepair, so funds were requested from NLBC members, raising £89. Since the roofing repair bill was £130, the balance was paid by a generous donation from Eva Collins. During the early 1980’s when there was a waiting list, several prospective members, including Sally Hoesgo, were turned down as they were full time workers. Sally Hoesgo eventually joined when she retired and became the second NLBC President following the demise of Eva Collins.

Founder Member and first Secretary, Ethel Knudsen died in February 1984. During 1984 new lockers were purchased by NLBC for the use of the membership in the changing room. Joan Bridger donated a Cup the for the Club Pairs Competition. NLBC produced a set of Rules together with a Constitution for NLBC and both documents were officially adopted by NLBC at the 1984 AGM. New Score Boards and Pushers were purchased by NLBC.


During 1985 several members of long-standing were reluctantly forced to retire; old age being the primary reason. However these losses were compensated by new applications for membership to the club which resulted in the total compliment standing firm at thirty; still with a waiting list. The year closed with the sad news of the passing of Founder Member Mrs May Shephard. May had been awarded Life Member status in recognition of the work she had done for NLBC.


The CIub 1986 finances continued to show a good balance of profits permitting substantial amounts to be paid over to MBC as in previous years.


In 1988 Founder Member Mrs Eva Collins had held the office of NLBC President since the inception with outstanding results and it was with this in mind that the membership of NLBC unanimously approved that she be made a Life Member and for her to continue as President of NLBC for as long as she wished. It was a matter of much regret that Eva was unable to attend as many meetings as the membership would wish but they recognised that ill-health was the sole reason.

Margate BC Opening Day 1988


Also in 1988 and for several ensuing years, the Piscatorials’ Bowling Association were invited to play against the Club. As their title conveys they are associated with Billingsgate Market in London, raising benevolent funds to provide amenities and goods which otherwise would not be available out of ordinary funding. Regularly Kent County Bowling Association teams with their respective Presidents have played against the Club.


1989 opened with the usual NLBC committee meeting but for the first time President Eva Collins was unable to attend because of ill-health. This was particularly sad because this was the Silver Anniversary for the Club. However Eva’s place was ably taken by Mrs Bragg. It was also with regret that Mrs Joan Bridger announced that she was stepping down from the office of club secretary a position she had held for 15 years.


In 1990 it became painfully clear to the membership of NLBC that their beloved President Mrs Eva Collins was too frail to play at the Club which she readily recognised. In characteristic style she donated her bowls and regulation dress to the club suggesting that these items be donated to the Isle-of-Thanet Mentally Handicap Association. This wish was carried out and the club received a letter of gratitude from the Association. During this year some NLBC members took part ln the Handicap Olympics which were held in July at Strathclyde. NLBC also helped with the arrangements for a South East Handicap Olympics which was held at the Pfizer ground at Sandwich. Joan Bridger died in 1991 and in her memory a Cup was made available for Competitions known as ‘The Joan Bridger Trophy’, held annually.


There were regular annual increases to the membership fee rising to £25 in 1990 when the membership limit was increased to 35. The NLBC were required to cater for the Snow Cup meals during the 1980’s but again profits were paid directly to MBC Ltd. During these early years the NLBC members had a relatively harmonious existence with MBC members and MBC Ltd although there was latterly an apparent underlying resentment in that the ladies did all the catering for the men with no benefit to NLBC but did not have a fair share of green usage. Indeed it was not until 1991 when the NLBC name was added to the main gate sign!

Margate BC Opening Day 1991


Bob & Sheila Taylor joined in 1991 and they are the next longest standing members in MBC (NLBC) after Anne Gascoigne. 


In 1992 MBC Ltd agreed NLBC could retain all catering profits, hence the NLBC finances rose considerably from under £400 in 1991 to £4,000 in 1995 due to catering profits of around £700-£900 retained in the NLBC accounts each year.


1993 was a sad year as Eva Collins died, she was 96 years of age, still in office as President, a post she held for 30 years. It is true to relate that what Mr Percy Snow is to MBC so Mrs Eva Collins is to NLBC. She was in every respect a true and enthusiastic leader and it was she who primarily guided the NLBC to the highly respected and successful club became. She with her Founder colleagues and supporters became the epitome of clubs and the envy of most because of the friendly nature with which the club was conducted. Up to this time the club enjoyed full membership, a strong financial position and an almost continuous waiting list for ladies to join.


Eva was also responsible for the cocktail and coffee parties and pre-season lunches to which she invariably invited the MBC Ltd Directors and wives and the MBC Officers and wives. Much of these activities were funded from her own personal finances and all was done in order to encourage friendly relations within and between NLBC, MBC and MBC Ltd. Several of these functions were held in her own home. To crown it all she bequeathed £1,000 to her beloved NLBC, used to establish a Building Fund. Future excess NLBC profits were incrementally added to this fund realising over £5,000 in 2001. All this and more was Mrs Eva Collins. She has certainly earned a special place in the history of NLBC.


In 1994, NLBC decided they would no longer provide set meals for MBC, including the Snow Cup although they continued to provide afternoon tea & biscuits per the original agreement with MBC Ltd. Therefore a lady was employed by MBC to provide catering for the men’s matches and Snow Cup. Also in 1994 (below) the club were the Isle of Thanet Premier League Champions and this was repeated in 2010 and again in 2012.

Little is known about how the Ltd Company operated or how it related to members of MBC & NLBC. Unfortunately no printed matter can be found prior to 1997 as minute books and accounts have been lost. However it is known that the Board of Directors were selectively formed by invitation from MBC members. Not surprisingly those so chosen were also prominent MBC committee members, normally the MBC President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board of Directors seemed to operate as a “secret society” and specifically withheld Company information from members including other committee members who were not Directors. It is also unknown how MBC Ltd shareholders were selected, presumably by invitation in a grace and favour manner when such MBC members had completed two years membership. It does appear the Board of Directors, as early as 1995, had formed an opinion the Ltd Company days were numbered as no new shares were offered to MBC members from that time.


The NLBC membership limit was increased to 40 but NLBC membership reduced to 25 in 1995 mainly due to advancing age but also transfers to other local clubs. NLBC requested a joint development meeting with MBC to discuss essential repairs to the NLBC “pavilion”.


An upgrade to NLBC facilities was proposed but regretfully this was delayed and eventually cancelled because of a conflict with MBC Jubilee activities in 1997. This resulted in NLBC initiating a proposal to apply for Lottery funding to support upgrade and repair to the ladies’ “pavilion” and toilet. This was overtaken by MBC Ltd who then suggested it should be a joint MBC/NLBC application to the National Lottery pursued in March 1997. At that time a Lottery grant required some funding from the applicant, so MBC Ltd asked NLBC to submit funds to a joint NLBC/MBC Building Fund. NLBC duly gave £2,000 to this fund making £6,000 in total. It was understood the initial project arising from a grant would for a new NLBC pavilion and new ladies toilet. Joint MBC/NLBC meetings were held and MBC Ltd formally applied for a 90% funded grant for £60,000. However the Margate area was re-designated as a depressed area so the Rules were changed and the application now only allowed a smaller 65% funded grant, i.e. £21,000 in total.

1997 - 75th Anniversary Celebration

The Club was honoured by visits of President’s of the English Bowling Association, the Kent County Bowling Association,

the Isle of Thanet Bowling Association and the East Kent Bowling Association with their respective teams.


In November 1997, the Lottery grant application was refused and hence NLBC requested return of their “Building Funds” - eventually returned in 1998 by MBC Ltd, i.e. £2,034 including interest. Perhaps because of this disappointment the Company Secretary resigned and left the club. Two other Directors also resigned and it seems decline of membership gathered pace at this time. The vacant Director positions including the Company Secretary were later filled by invitation and again appointment of prominent MBC committee members.




Resulting from a proposition at the 1997 AGM, NLBC initiated a formal request to MBC and MBC Ltd, proposing an amalgamation of both clubs to one joint club. 

Margate BC Opening Day 1998

Early in 1998 MBC Ltd needed to carry out roof repairs to the MBC pavilion (club-house) so engaged a builder to effect repairs. NLBC requested MBC Ltd to ask that builder to quote for necessary repairs to the NLBC pavilion, at NLBC cost, but this was declined as MBC Ltd were considering another joint MBC/NLBC application for a National Lottery grant. A few joint MBC/NLBC meetings were held and NLBC again was asked to fund £2,000 to the joint MBC/NLBC  “Building Fund” but declined pending further negotiations on the application. This application was not pursued as MBC Ltd did not think there was any chance of success until the Ltd Company had been dissolved. The Director (also an MBC committee member) who was preparing the Lottery application resigned and left the club.


In 1998 the Company Treasurer died so this post was taken over by one of the new Directors. A later report from one of the new Directors stated “the club was in decline, falling membership, the state of the green and the facilities were in a mess.”


The MBC Ltd Company Annual Return in April 1999 included details of six Directors of which five were prominent MBC committee members. It also included the list of past and present shareholders at that date. There were a total of 400 shares available of which 304 had been allotted to 182 people but there was a reserved allocation of 92 for issue to “MBC players”. There were 46 MBC members at April 1999 of which 30 had been allocated shares.

Of these shareholders only one is still a present member but another 14 are known to be living in Thanet.


Early in 1999, NLBC arranged at their cost to redecorate the NLBC “pavilion”. The total cost for painting and repairs was £423 but new curtains and carpet were considered too expensive. NLBC agreed to provide tea & biscuits for men’s games and also a few set meals providing the MBC men assisted with clearing tables and washing up to also include NLBC matches. This was apparently not well received by some MBC men, so at the 1999 NLBC AGM future catering would only provide tea & biscuits for men’s games.


At the MBC 1999 AGM under Any Other Business, a question was raised from the floor asking about MBC Ltd and how the Board of Directors inter-relate with the MBC committee and members. This was not answered even though several Directors were in attendance and in fact one was chairing the meeting!


In February 2000 the first meeting of MBC Committee took place at which two representatives from NLBC (Captain and Secretary) were invited to be present. It was emphasised that both clubs were dedicated to becoming one mixed club with senior officers from both sides attending each other’s meetings. It was pointed out that virtually fully co-operation has been practised for the past two years anyway.

Margate BC Opening Day 2000

Joint MBC/NLBC meetings were reconvened later to pursue possible amalgamation as one joint club and the MBC Secretary

(also an MBC Ltd Director) provided NLBC liaison with MBC Ltd.

A Director in attendance stated change of constitution to a mixed club would prove to be too expensive (??) because of solicitor’s fees. MBC Ltd intended to obtain legal advice from a Solicitor but NLBC said they were not prepared to finance this proposition. Subsequent Solicitor’s advice apparently precluded amalgamation with a ladies club as the MBC Ltd articles of Association would not allow this since traditionally MBC was a men-only club! At a later meeting MBC Ltd advised “demise of MBC Ltd” was under investigation by Directors including requisition of shares but assured the process was moving forward!


At the MBC 2000 AGM under AOB, members requested a time scale and how Directors intend to process a way forward to full amalgamation – a full report from Directors requested. Again this went unanswered even though again several Directors were in attendance and one was chairing the meeting!

In February 2000 the first meeting of MBC Committee took place at which two representatives from NLBC - Captain Amy Jones and Secretary Phillppa Brasington were invited to be present. It was emphasised that both clubs were dedicated to becoming one mixed club with senior officers from both sides attending each other’s meetings. It was pointed out that virtually "fulI" co-operation has been practised for the past two years anyway. Joint MBC/NLBC meetings were reconvened later to pursue possible amalgamation as one joint club and the MBC Secretary (also an MBC Ltd Director) provided NLBC liaison with MBC Ltd. At the first meeting MBC Ltd intended to obtain legal advice from a Solicitor but NLBC said they were not prepared to finance this proposition. The Solicitor’s advice apparently precluded amalgamation with a ladies club as the MBC Ltd articles of Association would not all this since traditionally MBC was a men-only club!


Further joint meetings were cancelled as MBC Ltd had directed “amalgamation” was a “Company” matter and could not be discussed at club level!

This was a bone of contention, given that all the Company Directors were also MBC Committee and in attendance but still acting as a “secret society”. Much to NLBC’s annoyance MBC Ltd furnished a Solicitor’s bill for £177 asking for some funding from NLBC. Eventually NLBC paid a token amount of £30 towards this bill. The club continued to run smoothly with all matches fully supported and with NLBC providing players to MBC whenever they were short. Mixed matches were also well supported. It was agreed that Trophies to both NLBC and MBC would be presented at the Joint Annual Dinner each year. At the NLBC 2000 AGM, it was decided NLBC would no longer assist with the Snow Cup tournament catering.


In 2001 NLBC purchased new tablecloths, curtains and carpets for their “pavilion” at a cost of £304. MBC Ltd advised a limit on membership: MBC 90 & NLBC 30. The NLBC Committee wrote to the MBC President proposing NLBC should be represented at meetings with the Solicitors concerning amalgamation. Initially MBC Ltd. replied discussions on Constitution and impact on Company Law should not include or be witnessed by MBC or NLBC members and the result of Ltd Company discussions with solicitors would be fed back to MBC/NLBC committees. The attitude of the Board of Directors was again like a secret society. It was pointed out that many members have two or more year’s membership but have not been offered any shares. Subsequently a reply from MBC was more favourable and a meeting involving NLBC, MBC and MBC Ltd took place with the Solicitors on 9 May 2001. At this time the Solicitors advised each club to conduct meetings with their respective members to discuss the question of amalgamation after which time a free vote should be taken to determine the wishes of the membership.


On 21 May 2001 a special meeting of NLBC took place and which was attended- by all members. This meeting was to discuss and decide the question of amalgamation of the club with MBC. At the conclusion of the meeting a free vote was taken as to whether NLBC should amalgamate with MBC. The result of this vote was unanimous 100% from 22 members present (only two members absent) for the motion, there were none against and there were no abstentions.  However on 11th July 2001, MBC cancelled any further meetings and amalgamation was again left “hanging in the air”. 


Later in the year there was one more joint meeting when MBC Ltd proposed the formation of a joint MBC/NLBC club called the “Percy Snow Members Club” at which both MBC and NLBC would have their own separate bowling management committees. The meeting to discuss the way forward after amalgamation was jointly chaired by NLBC Captain Amy Jones and MBC President Paul Proctor. It was agreed the new club would become known as the ‘Percy Snow Members Club’ and this proposal would be put to the full membership.


MBC proposed an EGM to similarly ask MBC members whether they are prepared to amalgamate with NLBC as a mixed club but MBC Ltd delayed this until new Trustees had been appointed. Three Trustees were therefore appointed at a joint MBC/NLBC meeting and MBC subsequently held an EGM on 20 August 2001 to discuss and vote on the subject of amalgamation with NLBC. The motion to amalgamate was carried by a majority vote of approximately three to one, so membership acceptance of combining the two clubs was complete. However, it was noted that to all intents and purposes although the two sections are of one club each will continue to have their own respective League and County games in addition to some others and each will retain their individual identities. None-the-less the Club is of one and the general administration of it will be a joint one with all members being of equal status.


 A meeting to discuss the way forward after amalgamation was held by both sections committees. This meeting was jointly chaired by NLBC Captain and MBC President. It was agreed the new club would become known as the ‘Percy Snow Members Club’ and this proposal would be put to the full membership.


Demise of MBC Ltd.


MBC Ltd held a Directors meeting on 1st October 2001 proposing to cease trading on 31st December 2001 with all direct debits cancelled. The Percy Snow Club to be immediately responsible for DD’s, PAYE, Cash Transfer & Corporation Tax. Proposed work on club-house and purchases (green equipment) to be completed and Honoraria to be paid before 31st December 2001 to avoid/minimise Corporation Tax. As a prerequisite to dissolving the Company, MBC Ltd had initiated consultation with a prospective liquidator. Winding up will need shareholders AGM or EGM. It was pointed out; MBC Ltd Company is not a registered charity so could have CGT on hand-over that most likely the new club could not afford!


In preparation for the formation of the Percy Snow Members Club, a combined management committee was formed comprising both MBC and NLBC committees. At the inaugural combined management meeting on 18th December 2001, it was advised the Ltd Company could not be dissolved on 31st December 2001 as there has been no shareholders meeting. This needs three weeks to call but not yet started. Unknown whether CGT will be involved and this is being checked by the liquidator. The Company Treasurer will close books on 31st December but to continue to pay bills until the Percy Snow Club had appointed its Trustees. Ladies and men fees must now be based on parity. There was friction in the Board of Directors due to delays in calling a shareholders meeting and it was rumoured the Company Treasurer has tendered his resignation. The MBC Treasurer (also to become the Percy Snow Treasurer) refused to pay any bills pending resolution of the position of Company Treasurer.


In 2002 the amalgamated clubs held an Extraordinary Meeting to elect a committee for the Percy Snow Club so as to be in a position to take on the necessary responsibilities of the new club as and when the time came, i.e. when MBC Ltd was dissolved. Seven positions were filled three of which are by way of election and the remaining four by nomination - two from each of the Club’s two sections. In addition to a postal ballot already taken, a show of hands from the floor for those who had not yet voted was taken. The result was: - Chairman - Mr John Snowdon; Treasurer - Mr Ken Pearch; Secretary - Mr Syd Summersby; (all elected unopposed) & accepted Club nominee representatives: NLBC - Mrs Amy Jones & Mrs Jo Summersby; MBC - Mr Bob Barclay & Mr Fred Grundy. The Percy Snow Members Club became effective on 9 January2002.

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